RSS... Is it Really Simple?
RSS, acronymn for "Real Simple Syndication". You would have seen this symbol a million times and some have heard in 'high funda' discussions. For some of 'Not So Geeky' people out there, I am just going to try and demystify this for us and see what this really is and how this can be put to our use in our daily life style and save some of our web time. As the name indicates, this is really quite simple. You dont need to know anything about the technology to use it and its quite simple to use as well, so before we dive into how to use it, lets answer a few questions Is it for me? Of Course, this is for anyone and every one. Say you have a few favorite blog writers, and you dont want to miss anything they write, So what do you do... Normally, we go to thier blogs and check, some of us do it every day, and when there is nothing better to do, we probably refresh the web pages every hour. To our dismay, the authors might not have updated any thing. Another example f...